Nicole Halsey
Managing Partner
- Strategist
- Wordsmith
- Teacher
- Mentor
- Empowering woman
- Wife
- Mother of three
- Dog mom
- Chef
- Chauffeur
- Volunteer
"Without a good question, a good answer has no place to go.”
As an inquisitive child, Nicole’s favorite word was WHY?, quickly followed by WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and HOW? To this day, Nicole asks the right questions to gather the details needed to share the perfect story with her clients’ audiences.
From her Junior year at the Institute of Notre Dame high school, Nicole knew she wanted to establish a career in Public Relations. She attended York College of Pennsylvania and earned a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations with minors in Marketing, Speech Communication, and English with a concentration in Writing.
One week after graduation, she landed her first job at Eisner Petrou & Associates, where she climbed the ladder quickly and led accounts including Sylvan Learning Centers and Book Adventure. Warschawski became her next professional home for several years, during which she designed and launched award-winning campaigns for clients such as Under Armour, 180s, and Baltimore Collegetown Network. Learning that agency life was her calling, she secured a long-term position at Weinberg Harris & Associates for 15 years. During her tenure at WHA, she was responsible for creating and implementing strategic plans for clients such as The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Cirque du Soleil, Bozzuto, Verdance, General Growth Properties, the Port of Baltimore, Ella Pritsker, among others.
In 2017, Nicole was offered a newly-created position at RoundTable Strategic Solutions, a healthcare IT consulting firm. She was ready for a new challenge and took the job. For the first time on the corporate side, she utilized her previously learned skills and oversaw brand development and maintenance, company messaging, lead generation, marketing automation campaigns, CMR establishment and oversight, media relations, conference marketing, special event planning, among other tactics.
In addition to her day job, Nicole oversaw the rebranding efforts voluntarily for Peake Physical Therapy and Mindful Wellness Center, served on the Communications Committee for Maryland HIMSS, assisted with media relations for Stoneleigh Elementary School and supported Mercy Medical Center with event planning and sponsorship tasks for BRAnanaza.
In 2020, prior to the national pandemic, Nicole decided to join forces full time with Natalie at Polished Nichols, and the fun began!

Awards & Accolades
- York College of Pennsylvania Year of 50 Spartans Award Recipient
- York College of Pennsylvania Alumni Spotlight
- AAPA Award - Overall Marketing Campaign: Port of Baltimore Tricentennial Celebration
- PRSA Award - Pro Bono: Baltimore Collegetown Network
- PRSA Award - Press Kit: 180s
- PRSA Award - Media Relations Campaign: 180s
- PRSA Award - Marketing Communications: Under Armour
- PRSA Award - Media Relations Campaign: Sylvan Learning Center
- PRSA New Professional of the Year Award, 2002